CROATIA - Tourism And Catering School
Tourism and Catering School in Split was founded in 1960 and provides education and training to approximately 600 students in programmes like: front desk clerks, food and beverage managers, waiters, cooks, pastry
chefs and kitchen porters (for students with difficulties).
We have around 70 teachers who offer selflessly their professional knowledge to give our students best education. The school has participated successfully in many mobility programmes in the framework of Comenius
and Erasmus+ KA1 and KA2 programme. This year we successfully organised 32nd AEHT annual competition conference for more then 600 participants.
AEHT objective is to promote a European outlook among Hotel and Tourism Schools. This partnership should help get new information, gain acquaintance, learn how to improve the transition between school and the labour market in the EU.
The participation of students in such projects helps them improve their knowledge of foreign languages and encourage them to study hard. Our pupils live in a region where tourism is the most important industry and the number of those who are interested in education in our school grows ever year.
The knowledge and awareness about cultural tangible and intangible heritage that unites us all, the need to learn from the past and build on our future in a united multicultural European context are necessary for them to succeed in the region where tourism employs most people. The important thing is to improve the quality of vocational education, and thus we consider this project could be the right way to achieve it, by educating our students on a European level and raising awareness among our students about recognition and conservation of the world heritages.
We believe that one of the advantages that will be opened in this project is possibility of wider implementation in tourism and catering needs of our school. The key people in charge of running the project will be Andrija Krištić and Josipa Ćurić. Andrija Krištić is IT teacher already experienced in European projects.
Since we live in digital world IT teacher can bring his experience in web design (creating, editing and maintenance of multi language websites), web tools, recording and editing videos for the project dissemination, Photoshop picture editing and other IT skill besides this ones.
Josipa Ćurić is social pedagogue and she works as school counsellor who gives valuable assistance to students, helping them focus on their academic, social/emotional, personal and career development. In her work she uses following tools to help students: individual and group work, student academic planning counselling, counselling students in crisis, classroom management, assisting students in applying for college or for certain job, teaching communication and social skills.